With spring flood season underway, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) recently recognized Flood Safety Awareness Week to remind residents about the benefits of floodplain protection and ways to stay safe during times of flood risk.
DEC ramped up public awareness campaigns about key resources for Vermonters who live in the path of possible floods or near a floodplain. The Department highlighted tools such as the Vermont Flood Ready Atlas and Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Map Service Center to help homeowners understand if their property lies in a Special Flood Hazard Area. The Vermont Flood Ready Atlas is an online mapping tool that can help users identify critical facilities, transportation services, and buildings at risk of damage from flooding. The Atlas also includes information about local watersheds and the extent of natural flood protection provided by forests, wetlands, floodplains, and river corridors.
More information about Vermont’s work to promote floodplain protection, flood insurance, and flood recovery is available at the Flood Ready Vermont website or through the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.